
Rethinking Enterprise Design: BlueDolphin powered by EDGY

Written by Ameya Sapre | Sep 7, 2023


In the fast paced world of modern business, staying relevant and ahead of the competition requires more than just innovative products and services. It demands a well structured, adaptive, and efficient enterprise architecture that aligns with your business strategy. This is where BlueDolphin, the leading enterprise architecture software, steps in with its adoption of EDGY, an open-source language for enterprise design.

What is Enterprise Design?

Enterprise design is the construct by which everyone in an enterprise can share the common ambition to design an enterprise by combining and balancing its various elements. Enterprise design approaches the construct from three main facets - identity, experience, and architecture. This design empowers businesses to achieve their goals with precision, adapt to market shifts, and optimize resources effectively.

The EDGY paradigm

EDGY, an open-source language for enterprise design created by the Intersection Group, has been making waves in the world of architecture. Known for its simplicity and flexibility, EDGY empowers you to create and visualize enterprise models with ease. Its unique syntax and intuitive design make it a favorite among architects and designers. The marriage of the BlueDolphin platform and EDGY's expressive language enables everyone to craft architecture designs while leveraging the software's capabilities.

BlueDolphin: A leader in Enterprise Architecture

BlueDolphin has established itself as a leader in the enterprise architecture space. Its user friendly interface and robust features have earned the trust of hundreds of organizations worldwide that are seeking to transform and make data driven decisions.

How does adoption of EDGY benefit BlueDolphin users?

1. Simplified design process: EDGY's user friendliness allows not only the architects but also the business users to define complex relationships and components with minimal effort. This simplicity accelerates the design process, allowing architects to focus more on strategic decisions rather than getting lost in technicalities.

2. Enhanced visualization: Architects can transform models into visual representations that are easy to understand, aiding in effective communication across all levels of the organization.

3. Seamless collaboration: EDGY's standardized language ensures that all stakeholders, from architects to business leaders, are on the same page. This fosters collaboration and prevents misinterpretation, leading to smoother implementation and reduced risks.

4. Adaptability: Now you can design architectures that are not only effective now but also adaptive to future changes.

Can EDGY and ArchiMate co-exist?

Sure can! You can use EDGY to create a high-level architecture design representing identity and experience facets and combine that with ArchiMate modelling to enrich those designs with details.


The collaboration between BlueDolphin and EDGY underlines the evolution of enterprise architecture, pushing businesses into a new era of design where simplicity meets sophistication and innovation is the driving force.

In the ever changing business landscape, BlueDolphin and EDGY are not just a software and a language. They represent a new way of thinking in how we envision, design, and build the enterprises of tomorrow.