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Business Capability Mapping: Strategies for Transformation Planning

Explore how to use business capability mapping to align business and IT strategies and drive effective transformation planning.

Download our latest eBook.

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Achieving DORA Compliance with Enterprise Architecture

Achieving DORA Compliance with Enterprise Architecture

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Gartner Report: 8 Steps to Start a High-Impact EA Practice

Gartner Report: 8 Steps to Start a High-Impact EA Practice

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Press Release: ValueBlue and IASA Netherlands Form a Strategic Partnership to Enhance Architecture Practices

ValueBlue, a leading software company known for its innovative Enterprise Architecture (EA) platform BlueDolphin, is proud to announce a strategic partnership with IASA Global, and their association...
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Achieving DORA Compliance with Enterprise Architecture

This whitepaper provides an overview of DORA and explores how financial institutions can leverage Enterprise Architecture principles and tools to achieve compliance.
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Creating a Capability Map: Benefits and Best Practices

Amidst rapid digitization, automation, and evolving customer demands, companies need to continuously transform their strategies and operations to remain competitive. However, to identify areas that...
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Gartner Report: 8 Steps to Start a High-Impact EA Practice

In this research, Gartner details the 8 steps and best practices that successful CEAs follow to start a high-impact EA practice.
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Business Capability Mapping: Strategies for Transformation Planning

Explore how to use business capability mapping to align business and IT strategies and drive effective transformation planning.
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5 Tips for Getting Started with Enterprise Architecture

As a critical discipline that supports business change, Enterprise Architecture (EA) has universal applicability, regardless of industry or geography. But if your organization hasn’t traditionally...
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Application Portfolio Management: Solution Breakdown

This infographic introduces key building blocks for different stages of APM and how BlueDolphin supports the process for maximum results.
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The Ultimate Guide to Application Portfolio Management

This 2024 guide looks at the latest challenges and motives behind APM and introduces a standardized approach for implementing effective APM.
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Why Digital Transformation Fails

Explore the 4 common challenges behind digital transformation failures, along with actionable steps that organizations and leaders can take to address them.
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The Role of AI in Enterprise Architecture: A Future Outlook

In today's fast-evolving market landscapes, Enterprise Architecture (EA) plays a pivotal role in a company’s efforts to adapt and innovate. By making strategic use of business data, Enterprise...
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Strategic vs Tactical Planning in Enterprise Architecture

In ever-evolving commercial landscapes, companies find themselves in a constant state of transformation – driven by an urgent need to innovate and to adapt. From replacing legacy systems to...
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A Guide to Strategic Planning with Enterprise Architecture

Maximize the business value of your transformation by bridging strategy and execution with a structured approach.
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ValueBlue's positioning in the 2023 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture tools

We are excited to announce that ValueBlue has been named a Challenger in the 2023 edition of the Gartner Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Architecture Tools. Having made the biggest jump in the...
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Gartner 2023 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools

Learn why ValueBlue was named a Challenger in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Architecture Tools.
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The Power of Enterprise Architecture: Turning Business Strategy into Reality

In today’s highly competitive and fast-changing business landscape, companies and industries are in a perpetual state of transformation. Regardless of their size or impact, these transformations are...
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Rethinking Enterprise Design: BlueDolphin powered by EDGY

Introduction In the fast paced world of modern business, staying relevant and ahead of the competition requires more than just innovative products and services. It demands a well structured,...
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Playbook Five: Designing Detailed Solutions

In the concluding edition of our playbook series, we delve into the ultimate phases of project delivery. We help you shape the future of your organization and focus on assessing scenarios to help you...
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Playbook Four: Getting Ready For Execution

Discover the art of designing high-level enterprise architecture solutions and make a lasting impact on your organization! In this playbook, we help you shape the future of your organization and...
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Playbook Three: Guardians of Enterprise Architecture

Unleash Your Inner Superhero: The Enterprise Architect's Playbook for Policies, Governance, and Principles Mastery! Discover the secrets to becoming an architectural superhero with our comprehensive...
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Enterprise Architecture: Take A More Innovative Approach to IT Management During a Recession

Recessions generally mean a time of cutbacks, difficulty, and uncertainty. In this time of economic turbulence, many organizations are looking for a way to be able to do more with less. In much of...
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Building Business Capabilities (BBC) 2023 Event Review

Intro ValueBlue once again attended the BBC conference this year as a proud Platinum Sponsor in beautiful Las Vegas! With close to 700 people in attendance, we had many great conversations and...
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Playbook Two: Closing the Gap

Want to become an EA superhero? We got you covered! In this five-part playbook series, we cover topics every enterprise architect needs to save the day. In playbook two we'll cover the key points...
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Playbook One: Mastering Business Architecture & Strategy

Become the Enterprise Architecture superhero your organization needs. Throughout the series, you will level up your EA powers in five steps, with each topic adding to or strengthening your existing...
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Collaborative Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise Architecture at its most fundamental level involves alignment between business and IT. In this eBook, we explore some of the reasons this alignment is so difficult to achieve and examine...
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Enterprise Security Architecture: How to Protect Your Business

In today's world, cyber security has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Cyber-attacks can have a devastating impact on a company's reputation, operations, and bottom line. From...
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The Future of Enterprise Architecture

The world is changing. Consumer tastes change, technology evolves, rules and regulations are put in place. There are many outside factors that affect the way we do business. Enterprise Architecture —...
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Use Enterprise Architecture Tools to Connect PowerPoint, Visio, and Excel

Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a critical component of any organization's success, as it helps to align strategy, processes, and technology to achieve business goals. Implementing EA practices...
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Enterprise Architecture Trends: 2023 and Beyond

Last month we hosted a webinar about how Enterprise Architecture has evolved and which Enterprise Architecture trends we expect to have an impact in 2023. Co-presenters Jelle Visser, CCO of...
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OPEX Week: Digital Transformation Summit 2023 Recap

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Info-Tech SoftwareReviews: Buyer Experience Report

SoftwareReviews captures the most compelling and detailed data on software performance, straight from the users. Their reports help you in your evaluation, comparison, and decision when selecting a...
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ValueBlue’s inclusion in the Forrester Wave™ for Enterprise Architecture Management Suites, Q1 2023

Forrester have published their report, The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Architecture Management Suites, Q1 2023. For this annual report, Forrester conducts research into the vendors in the Enterprise...
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BlueDolphin Brochure

Curious to find out about how BlueDolphin can contribute to your organization? In our BlueDolphin brochure we show you all relevant information about our collaboration platform for Enterprise...
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Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools

Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture tools is out, and ValueBlue has been recognized as a niche vendor for the second year in a row. Download your copy of the Magic Quadrant and...
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2022 Year in Review: A Spotlight on ValueBlue!

2022 was a banner year for ValueBlue regarding our expanding business in North America! We have welcomed several new logos into our ValueBlue community and rapidly increased our user base. In...
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Interview Customer Success Manager – Vincent

Introducing: Vincent Hartwijk, one of our Customer Success Managers. To provide more context for our job opening for a Customer Success Manager, Vincent talks about his day-to-day tasks and...
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The Role of Enterprise Architecture: Project Portfolio Management

Transformation. Everybody is talking about it, and in all contexts: business transformation, digital transformation, agile transformation… With almost every B2B software vendor saying they support...
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2023 Predictions: Enterprise Architecture Touches Every Part of the Business

Looking back at 2022, we saw many changes to the digital transformation landscape and how Enterprise Architecture shapes business planning. Based on the trends we saw this past year, we made some...
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Gartner Recap: What We Learned at the IT Symposium | Xpo

What We Learned The ValueBlue team was thrilled to attend the recent Gartner IT Symposium | Xpo held in Orlando, Florida October 17-20, 2022. Amongst presenting, talking with customers, partners,...
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How the Enhanced Business Model Canvas Promotes Data-Driven Collaboration

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How to Map Interdependencies Between Objects in your Enterprise Architecture

In Enterprise Architecture (EA), all applications, actors, business processes, data, solutions, technology, and more are represented as so-called objects. Combining obje cts and presenting them in a...
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Gartner 2022 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools

The Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Architecture Tools 2022 is out, and ValueBlue has been included for the fourth year in a row. We're thrilled to say we have been recognized as a Niche...
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Digital Transformation: Does It Have to be So Scary?

A few weeks ago, we hosted a webinar with Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx, and George Pang, Senior Solutions Consultant, at ValueBlue. They sat down and discussed what digital transformation...
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How Gartner evaluates ValueBlue in their 2022 Magic Quadrant for EA Tools

The Gartner Magic Quadrant 2022 for Enterprise Architect tools is out. In their annual report, Gartner conducts research into the vendors in the space and maps them in the Magic Quadrant: a graph to...
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Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management: A match made in heaven for current state insights - ValueBlue

Accurate, comprehensive insight into your current state is the basis for any transformation project. It’s impossible to work towards an optimized future state without having a clear understanding of...
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Solution Portfolio Architecture One-Pager

ValueBlue’s Solution Portfolio Architecture software helps organizations like yours to realize their business transformation strategies. This one-pager download shows you quickly and clearly how the...
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Transform 2022 Part II- Streamed Sessions - ValueBlue

This blog is part two of our series highlighting the different sessions at Transform 2022. For a closer look at our morning tracks and session highlights, see part I. In that blog, we ended just...
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What is Transform 2022? - ValueBlue

You may have seen us on social media or via email promoting our flagship event Transform 2022, but you are not sure what it is. This blog post is designed to help you understand what you can expect...
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Adapting to IT Retail Trends: Leveraging EA for Successful Digital Transformation

In recent years, the Retail industry has undergone major changes due to the way consumers make purchases. As a retailer, you can hardly ignore offering your products online in addition to a physical...
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New View Templates: Kickstart Your Architecture Views - ValueBlue

View templates are a great way to instantly power up your transformation skills! Within our platform BlueDolphin, we have added a collection of templates for when you’re about to start a new View....
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How to Govern Microservices with Enterprise Architecture - ValueBlue

Microservices have made a strong rise in businesses’ digital infrastructure landscapes. There has been a noticeable shift in business application development coinciding with today’s strategic focus...
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Digital Transformation Often Fails – Here’s One Important Reason Why - ValueBlue

As much as everyone would want to, not all digital transformation initiatives are a success. Some don’t deliver the right results, take much longer to complete, or go way over budget. Why is that?
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ValueBlue Wins the 2022 Digital Innovator Award from Intellyx - ValueBlue

New York; Utrecht — May 27, 2022: Intellyx, the analyst firm dedicated to digital transformation, today announced that ValueBlue has won the 2022 Digital Innovator Award.
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Business Capability Mapping to Accelerate Digital Transformation - ValueBlue

There are many ways to take on organizational transformation initiatives. The larger the scope of the overall initiative or project portfolio, the more elements need changing. And how do you eat an...
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Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer' 2022 report: ValueBlue awarded Customers’ Choice for EA tools - ValueBlue

Once a year, Gartner publishes their Voice of the Customer report as part of their Peer Insights program. The report highlights the best-performing vendors for enterprise software solutions based on...
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Simplifying Agile Business Process Management - ValueBlue

Mapping and optimizing business processes is important for any organization that wants to improve and innovate. Business Process Management (BPM) involves using various methods to discover, model,...
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Are your Application Portfolio Management capabilities falling short?

‘It’s time for an App Rationalization exercise! We need to reduce spend…’
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How to use the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Architecture tool selection - ValueBlue

Gartner published their first Magic Quadrant back in the 90s. It was the beginning of a powerful research publication (one that was never initially intended to be published) that has become one of,...
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Is Collaborative Enterprise Architecture the answer to achieving effectiveness?

Enterprise Architecture, as a matter of basic principle involves integration between business and IT.Most of the time, the Enterprise Architecture function sits within IT, working closely as a...
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ValueBlue’s clear growth trajectory recognized in the Gartner® 2021 Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Architecture tools

ValueBlue is once again delighted to have been acknowledged for our Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute in the Gartner® 2021 Magic Quadrant™ for Enterprise Architecture tools.
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Business Capabilities: an Introduction to the Business Capability Model

From SMB to Enterprise, national to global – digital transformation is a necessity for any company that wants to remain competitive in ever-changing markets. Implementing digital transformation...
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Governing change in financial organizations with ‘just-enough’ architecture - ValueBlue

The business transformation challenges faced by the financial industry are as complex as they get. Read our blog for an overview of six core trends financial services will face in the coming years,...
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3 approaches to achieving agile Enterprise Architecture - ValueBlue

Enterprise Agility: A Prevalent Theme that’s Difficult to Achieve Agile methodology is now so common that it’s embedded in the technology of most companies and regularly applied to organizational and...
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5 reasons you need Application Portfolio Management Software

Companies have become highly digitalized in recent years, and our daily processes and work are increasingly carried out and captured online. Every department wants to digitize more and more, using...
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Gartner Peer Insights 'Voice of the Customer': Enterprise Architecture Tools - ValueBlue

Once again, ValueBlue and our BlueDolphin software has been recognized in Gartner’s iconic Voice of the Customer Report for Enterprise Architecture Tools, based on real customer reviews from vendors...
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How mature is your Application Portfolio Management (APM)? - ValueBlue

It should come as no surprise to Enterprise Architects everywhere that aligning IT with the wider business functions is key. Perhaps one area where this becomes particularly apparent and delivers...
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Business Transformation: The Agile Evolution - ValueBlue

The evolution of organizational landscapes The evolution of business transformation is picking up pace.
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The 3 key enablers for Application Portfolio Management that will speed up digital transformation -

The digital enterprise is no longer a goal to aim for or a far-off, future based concept. The digital enterprise is here, it’s now, and if your organization isn’t ready, it’s time to fight or leave...
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Project & Portfolio Architecture: Bridging strategy and operationalization

In this age of Digital Transformation and accelerating technological innovation, businesses need to be able to adopt change at a speed they’ve never faced before. For most organizations, it’s already...
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